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Artifical EP Review

Posted by Pop Deflators on

The World Over returns with their fourth hard hitting EP! These 4 tracks are a perfect mix of heaviness and beautiful grace, perfect to blast no matter the mood. The Artificial EP is coming to a sound system near you on August 11th, so get ready. 

The opening track, Bittersweet begins with a stereophonic guitar riff starting with a measure in the left channel, and then a measure in the right channel, keeping you on your toes. Immediately after, vocals lead into the rest of the band's entrance, with hard hitting drums and a groovy bass line. Tiaday’s vocals move from beautiful singing in the verse, to a heavy chorus. The bridge features some electronics and a smooth guitar solo that's fairly relaxing. This is a great contrast to the transition at the end of the bridge, to brutal screaming and heavy instrumentals, finally leading into the final chorus, resolving into a fulfilling listen.  

The next song, Shallow, opens with a steady guitar riff, with a quiet vocal line with a reverb effect, leading into a gnarly low scream, opening into a heavy riff and drum beat. The verse keeps the heavy instrumentals, adding in a synth to the background, but keeps the vocals to a more melodic sound. This continues into the chorus, with the pre chorus being a slight measure of a crescendo up and a sudden slam back to the chorus. The end of the chorus has the same guitar riff and synth without any rhythm from the bass or drums. It also features a choir faintly in the background, creating contrast with the vocalist’s gnarly scream, only to lead into a quiet break of peace. The drums slam back in as a transition to the next verse. The second chorus features a heavy set of background vocals that we didn’t hear in the first verse, which is a great way to innovate throughout the song, while still keeping the familiarity that makes the chorus so special. 

The third track, To Be Human opens with an electronic sound, almost implying a dream. Variations of the electronic voices can be heard throughout the song. The pre chorus leads up with louder drums, and heavy growls. The chorus has Tiaday singing along with the electronic voices. The second verse features the electronics, with palm muted guitar strums and some groovy drums. The bridge starts as the dream state, then leads into a brutal on and off scream. After the screams the instrumentals kick in to keep the energy going. The final chorus features backing vocals hitting hard with the screams.

The final track, Taking Back Control, starts with a dampened drone, with the guitars crescendoing and fading in. The instrumentals set the stage for the rest of the track, and then fade back. The drone takes priority once again, and the vocals start up. This track uses electronics in the form of glitch-like sounds, and this effect is placed on Tiaday’s voice as well. The chorus has both Tiaday’s melodic singing, and backing vocals hitting heavy. Right after the chorus, the kick drum takes over, with a lot of glitching vocals. The verse returns, but this time has even more glitches than the first verse. The chorus happens once again with Tiaday instead taking over the screaming. The bridge fits the song’s theme perfectly. The lack of electronics and glitching in the bridge is very noticeable, and describes how maybe the subject was taking back control over whatever was glitching. The final chorus switches the screams between Tiaday and the backing vocals.

And that’s the last of the EP. It's a perfect mix of heaviness, melodic and beautiful tones, and electronics to innovate the classic rock sound. No matter what subgenre you prefer, the Artificial EP has got you covered. There’s so much to offer within these 4 bangers. Make sure to give it a full listen on August 11th, and show The World Over some love.


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Review by: Zach Kinney


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