Saints Among Us Talk Mental Health Awareness With Single "Hallucination" - Review

Saints Among Us Talk Mental Health Awareness With Single "Hallucination" - Review

Review by Jakob Sanchez 


Saints Among Us Talk Mental Health Awareness With Single "Hallucination" - Review

“Hallucinations” is the latest single from South Yorkshire metalcore band SAINTS AMONG US. The band’s manifesto is that of raising mental health awareness through their lyrics, as the song is about mental health issues; namely OCD, anxiety, and depression.

Lead vocalist Maddy sings in a glitchy, scattered rhythm that matches the icy and cold drum machine and production of the verses. The song’s narrator, accentuated by the music video, is fighting off these demons that are keeping her awake as she is trying to sleep, but she can’t breathe properly due to her panic attacks. Maddy’s vocals are the most unique part of the song, using higher and more robotic pitches to evoke the feeling of helplessness, like a child trying to find their way home.

The best part of the track is the bridge. The effects and layerings on Maddy's vocals reach their peak, as the robotic effects overtake her voice, sounding like she’s drowning in the effects as she sings “I can’t breathe, as the heavy, chugging guitars and drums remind her that she cannot escape at this moment.

“Where do we go?” is asked as the song ends. Hopefully, SAINTS AMONG US continues to go up from here, as this single showcases a solid fusion of metalcore and electronica; perfectly evoking an atmosphere that is claustrophobic and haunting.

Review by Jakob Sanchez

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